Pronunciation Guide
Not gonna lie, creating fantastical names is a big part of my joy when writing fantasy novels. It’s always really interesting to hear how readers internalize these words and create their own interpretations. However, some readers want to know how the author envisions these words, so to facilitate that I will create a Raven Vs Crow pronunciation guide right here for everyone who is curious how I say these fantastical words.
- People
- Leonor (LAY-oh-nor)
- Jane (JAY-n)
- Willa (WHI-la)
- Ova (OH-vah)
- Avrick (AH-v-rik)
- Ikaro (EEH-kah-roh)
- Igrin (EEH-gr-in)
- Mastefson (mas-tef-sun)
- Teodson (TAY-oh-d-sun)
- Otana (oh-TAH-nah)
- Holister (HAH-lis-tur)
- Ukiyo (OOH-kee-yo)
- Odom (OH-dom)
- Veloran (veh-loh-RAN)
- Maxim (ma-x-EEM)
- Augustus (aw-GUS-tus)
- Mageara (mah-GEE-ah-rah)
- Iseold (IH-see-oh-l-d)
- Thea (th-EE-ya)
- Neela (n-EE-lah)
- Madra Odru (mah-DRAH OH-d-ruh)
- Madra Haftan (mah-DRAH HAF-tan)
- Eragah (eh-reh-GAH)
- Uni (OO-nee)
- Ulot (OO- lot)
- Eva (AY- vah)
- Ito (EE- toh)
- Olev (OH- leh-v)
- Places
- Foiveru (FOY-vah-roo)
- Bahram (BAH-rahm)
- Nakut (nah-KOOT)
- Oltaku Mountains (ohl-TA-koo)
- Bokum (bow-KOOM)
- Saturonia (sah- ter-OH-nee-ya)
- Se’Kim (SEH- keem)
- Usil Islands (ooh-SEEL)
- Creatures
- Ghola (GOH-la)
- Items
- Keva (kee-va)
- Vetch (veh-ch)
- a’nela (ah- NEH-la)